Monday, September 14, 2009


We will start our week on a serious topic- but one that is handled like a joke in South Africa-namely, Education.

For years matters concerning education have been getting worse. Now, let's look at this in a logical manner. I am Minister of Education. I have a system that sucks and pupils, oops, I mean learners, that can hardly spell, read or write. And these are High School kids. Now how do I handle it? Well first I consult experts, in South Africa and outside South Africa. I look at the quality of teachers, teacher's training, school conditions. I see how I can improve the QUALITY OF EDUCATION so the teaching improves! The standard of education then improves and thus, the way the learners are educated. This will result in better results in terms of pass rates and education levels.

How does our government handle this problem, hurdle, whatever you want to call it- they, in their great wisdom, reduce the pass rate. How clever. Now for a matric pass you need to achieve (rather loosely used here of course) 40% in three subjects and an amazing 30% in the other three. (we presume people gunning for these high marks will only be taking 6 subjects, as this is the minimum they can take). So, they do not have to know 60% of their matter in 3 subjects and a hefty 70% in the other 3. Just blows your mind does it not?

Not only this, but to be granted a disctinction, you have to get 80% in 3 subjects and 60% in the other 3. A spokesman from Education said this will (wait for it) 'motivate learners'. (A subsequent statement issued denied they are going through with this distiction part of their devious little plan)

What a brilliant plan. This way you, in theory, should get more passes. In reality though, the learners will have such a low standard to achieve, they may not even try and not even make this terrible low standard. So, stimulating them to be lazier and study less cannot be the way to go.

The next problem comes along when they go to university. Granted in the rest of the world's eyes, our post school education is not amongst the best. Yet the learners passing from matric who go to university, cannot cope as the level of 'higher'education is too high.

If this were not so serious, it would be brilliant as a joke. I have spoken to teachers, in both primary and high schools, who admit that the pupils, or learners or whatever they call them now, cannot spell, read or write too well. This is serious!

It is time for the people in charge to realise that their department and education in South Africa is in shambles, and it is time for them to fix it instead of downgrading it. These are our future leaders....and this is frightening.

1 comment:

  1. I cannot agree more, not to mention the wonderful OBE education. A large percentage of the "LEARNERS" are evaluated using this wonderful new concept of Outcomes Bases Education. Only leaving the windows wide open for parents to submit all work on behalf of their children, being a qualified OBE assessor, I know the glitches in the system. When are the educators going to learn! Less portfolio's for parents to complete and more work and assessments in the classroom please. Belinda
