Reading in The Star yesterday I came across and article where a Dr Howard Smith, a senior astrophysicist at Harvard University states a)That the chance of discovering alien life is remote and b) If we did, it would be almost impossible to make contact with them.
Smith states that of the 500 planets discovered outside our solar system, are either to close or to far away from their sun (thus too hot or cold to support life) or have unusual orbits, thus not allowing water to remain in a liquid form. (Water being essential for life as we understand it).
Based on this he say- 'The new information we are getting suggests we could effectively be alone in the universe.' He further goes on to say, 'There are very few solar systems or planets like ours. It means that is is highly unlikely that there are any planets with intelligent life close enough for us to make contact.'
How arrogant. So, in his assumptions, I guess unless we find life on a planet close to ours, it cannot be intelligent.
There are billions of galaxies in our universe and it really simplistic to assume that we are the only life around. Furthermore, seeking life only on what we understand is also very limiting. More and more organisms on earth have been found thriving in extreme conditions (High and low temperatures, without oxygen etc), thus it would seem pretty logical for the people who search for this extra terrestrial life, to broaden their parameters and definitions. There may just be intelligent life on a planet that is thick with helium and has temperatures close to zero degrees Celsius or lower. Shock and awe, they may not even need oxygen to survive as their body make up would be so different compared to us oxygen breathers.
Stephen Hawking and the late Carl Sagan both believed there was life on other planets. Both saw this as rational based on the size of the universe.
As for the contact with alien life is concerned, this is a bit more complicated. The chances of a two way conversation between planets would be remote, given the distance and our barrier of speed, being that below light speed.
However, there are some theories. One would be the much talked about wormholes, which would allow space travel over large distances in the blink of an eye. We could also assume that they are either more advanced that we are or may have a better understanding of the universe and it's laws, to know how to manipulate them for their own use. Even if they are the same age as humans, it would be safe to assume their growth took on a different road to ours and that they would know and have things we don't, as we would know and have things they don't.
Neither travel nor communication between two or more space civilizations would be conventional, that we can safely assume. But that does not mean that there are not other means. The same as discovering life on another planet or body, whether it be a single celled organism would be ground breaking. We need to break past our idea that to be intelligent one needs to be of humanoid build and to be alive one must breathe oxygen. Rules on earth regarding life, may not apply elsewhere.
There may be alien astronomers looking at earth and saying it is too cold for life, besides, it has to much oxygen to support life anyway.
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