I know I have written a lot about the royals..and today I continue my anti- tribute to the leeches of public funds.
We all know that British Prince Harry is a bit of a wild one. It is also pretty much world news that our beloved Prince of Responsibility had a wild night in Vegas, playing naked pool and drinking his royal heart out. There are also rumours of the use of cocaine and hallucinogenic mushrooms. Wonderful behaviour from a member of a family who is so special, they do not have to work, yet are paid millions to well...not work...and I bet the entertainment was on Harry's bill...or well, the daft taxpayer's bill rather...
Anyway....so our beloved Prince Tax Leech, uses his tax fueled pay to live it up..only the best for Royalty...while many of their subjects are living on the breadline..or worse.
Then, when he is exposed to public shame, who is to blame for this...his security detail. It is them who should have stopped the photos and (supposed) video from being taken.
Here is some perspective..Prince H is approaching 30, is a Captain in the military and a helicopter pilot...so why in the world would he not be held responsible for his own stupid behaviour. Why blame his security detail. Granted, they do bear some blame, but the main culprit is Prince Brat himself.
This further fuels my argument that the entire royal family, and not only those of Britain, should be scrapped. They are and will always be a drain on the taxpayer, funding that could be much better used elsewhere. But, as it stands, they are held in high regard for doing nothing, other than being lucky enough to be born into the correct bloodline...and milk it from then on forward...they are no better than their subjects..who actually work hard to pay over the taxes to keep the royals doing nothing..great gig.