Thursday, January 12, 2012

Sad State of Education in South Africa

Following on to my post about education and cost, an article in The Star newspaper during December stated the cost of university studies at some institutions.

Roughly to study this year for a degree will set you back between R20 000 to R34 000. This fee excludes study material. If you would like to go by way of a diploma, you are looking at around R15 000.  However, a Diploma in Business Management and Enterprises will set you back some R49 000 and a Diploma in Information Technology in Software Development R52 000.

In a country that is screaming out for decent education this is nothing short of criminal. Who can afford these ridiculous fees? Well, the rich can, so they continue to secure the good jobs that require higher education, the poor are lucky enough should they secure a bursary....and the people in the middle have to either resort to desperate measure or just do not study further. (some people go as far as to take second bonds on their homes).

In South Africa unemployment is one, if not the biggest problem. I firmly am of the view that education is the answer to many of our problems. Educated people are more likely to begin businesses that will in turn employ people. There are many entrepreneurs in South Africa, but due to lack of education and funding, are unable to grow their businesses. Having said that, not everybody is a business starter. Some people are workers (no disrespect meant). To fill many posts, there are minimum education levels and due to cost and facilities, millions of South Africans of all races, fail to meet these requirements.

We have loads of potential. When I see an arrogant Doctor who thinks he is above those who are not, I always ask myself how many people, if given the opportunity, would have also been become a doctor. How many brilliant brains are wasted due to lack of finances? Sadly this is a reality. Millions of people with very good brains, work in dead end jobs or are unemployed- due to them not being able to study further! What a waste for a country to allow this to happen.

A solution? As I always believe, education should either be free or very affordable for ALL! Not just a chosen few who are lucky enough to be born into wealth. Will this happen in South Africa- nope. The government is to happy to squander our tax money on their own luxuries (cars, houses, overseas travel, parties etc) ! As a result of this tax wastage, there is no money to push into education (or health or basic needs for the poor for that matter).
When the ANC took power, on of their election promises was free basic education. This was yet another promise they failed to keep and even basic education is ridiculously priced. Furthermore, the quality of teachers and facilities has a lot to be desired.

What we need is a complete overhaul of education. The government must consult experts in the field and not decide what they think will work, as seems to be the case with most things they do. Education is the back-bone of a country. Our back-bone is breaking. We desperately need decent schools, dedicated teachers and a decent syllabus. We need government commitment.

It is way overdue now that our self enriching politicians work for the people that pay their inflated salaries.

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