Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Politics is the wealth game

Living in South Africa, a country where politicians have the privilege  of spending tax payers money as though it was their own down to an art. Now don't get me wrong, if they spent the money on valuable services and items that would benefit the country, then I would be writing this to applaud them instead of raise some major concerns.

The way I see and understand it is that number one- nobody is forced to become a politician. And number to, choosing that profession, one should realise that you are there to serve the public or citizens of the country, not yourself. It may sound simplistic, but this to me is the bottom line.

Having said that, we look at politicians worldwide and they all have one thing in common, whether you have a democratic, communist, dictatorship or any other type of government- they ALL live the life of the wealthy. They are well paid and have many benefits as well as being treated like gold when visiting other countries.
This is where my problem arises. Why and what makes this group of people so special that they have to always have the best and most expensive??

Most countries have poverty, some have it in truck loads, other's not so much. Still, how can anybody justify the waste of tax payer's money on luxury when your people have to go to bed hungry. There is no need to stay in 5 star hotels, eat at the best restaurants, drive expensive luxury vehicles, have entertainment that costs a fortune and so on. It is excess at it's best. There is also no need for this. Millions can be saved by politicians and this money used for education programs, health and other areas where it is needed.

In my view, it is pure arrogance that these people think they are so special and that they somehow deserve to have the best at their feet. If they were true leaders, they will choice the comfortable choice, not the one studded with gold and diamonds. Sadly this will not change because we, as the voters put up with it and many think they deserve this due the their pressure jobs as well as the facts as they are allowed to do it, so because it is not wrong, nobody does what is moral.

I guess this goes back to the earliest days of leadership and governments, and as much as little me hates it and see just how wrong it really is, it is not going to change anytime soon. Then again, who of them would like to change a lifestyle that they live and sadly we, as the citizens, do not get much out of the deal.