Friday, October 30, 2009

Permanent Crime

Well, it is Friday again, and time for our light hearted crime story.

Once again we take one from the Yanks, this time from Carroll, Iowa.

Two robbery suspects decided to rob an apartment, as many people do when they have nothing to do and too much to drink. Once they had broken in, a witness spotted them, and called the fuzz.
The police arrived after the suspects had fled, but were advised that they had escaped in a white car and had masks on.

Minutes later the two, Joey Lee Miller (20) and Mathew Allan McNelly (23) were pulled over. After a search of the car, their mask applicators were found- 2 black permanent markers. Indeed, these two prized idiots, had scribbled masks on their faces to hide their identities.

Above is a picture of the two criminal masterminds.

Below is alleged video footage of a robber sporting a Scream mask to rob a store in Yankland again.
The photo is not verified and there was no story with the pic, but nonetheless, it is a classic.

1 comment:

  1. Thouroughly enjoy your Friday articles. Keep them going.
