From the very first tales of humans, there have been tales of conflict. Humans, it seems, just could never get along. There was, and there still is, so much to fight about- land, minerals, religion, race, culture....the list is close to endless. From the early days when we had nothing, we forged weapons to hunt- and to kill each other in clashes. As the years went by, our technology grew and so did the efficiency of our weapons.
The key to many conflicts was superior weaponry. Especially if you were outnumbered or fighting on foriegn soil- usually your weapons were what helped you win battles. This need for the best and most destructive led us onto a path from which we will never retreat.
During World War Two, the face of war changed forever. We leaned how to use the Atom for war. During August 1945, the USA dropped two Atomic bombs on Japan. The result was devastation. We had invented a weapon far more destuctive than anything before, and since.
Luckily this weapon has never been used again in war. However, many counties have stockpiles of these weaopons of mass destruction (a word made popular my good old George W). The US has some 2600 active warheads from an estimated total of 9400 and Russia is estimated to have 4718, from a total thought to stand at 13 000. Other countries that have the weapon are the UK, France, China, Pakistan, India and Israel (not confirmed but we all know). In addition to stockpiling nukes, we have spread them across the globe as well as steamlined their delivery systems. From the old bomb that was first used, we have developed intercontinental ballistic missiles, which are delived by a long range rocket that flies out of the atmosphere for a while before re-entering on it's way to the target. They have been placed on ships, submarines, rocket launchers and trucks. The US has even built other missiles to intercept the incoming nukes.
Luckily, for now, nobody has launched a strike.During the Cuban Missile Crisis, we reportedly came close and there have been one or two mistaken missile launches that have been closer than we know. (Reading reports from retired military people and documents released under the Freedom of Information Act, by both Russia and the States)
The two newest boys on the big bomb block, India and Pakistan, could possibly be the weak link in our 'peaceful' chain. They share a border and it is no secret that they do not get on. Both have extremist leaders in their midst and should they ever fall into an all out war, it could possibly lead to somebody pushing the big button. Then there is North Korea and Iran who are also suspected at chasing the mushroom dream. Both of these states are led by leaders who would be locked up as psychpaths, if they were not autocratic rulers, ruling from a throne of fear. Would they hesitate to launch warheads at any time? Especially when you consider Iran's views on Israel and the contineous threats towards Israel and the West.
Terrorism is another viable threat. Should anybody from any country, be a supporter of any terrorist group, the wrong material could fall into their grubby little hands, and then we know where that would lead. The obvious danger comes from Iran and North Korea, as well as poorly guarded Nuke sites in Russia and the terrorist cells know to be in Pakistan. This threat is not as far fetched as we may presume.
So, we have created the perfect weapon of destruction. Having said that, it is also the perfect weapon of suicide because any leader entering launch codes and pushing the magic button, will be condemning us all, including themselves. With a nuclear weapon there is no such thing as a surgical strike. You strike big, and there will be a backlash. And once the enemies have finished trading nuclear blows, there will be little left on earth worth fighting for. Those who do not vaporise in the initial blast or get punched to death by the shock wave, will have to live with the fallout of radioactive material being blown thousands of kilometres, which will contaminate everything from drinking water to food and animals, including the great rulers of the planet. Soot, thrown up will cover the sky and no warmth from the sun will enter. Temparatures will reduce between 10 and 30 degrees celcius. The remaining glowing people will then die in the ensuing nuclear winter. Along with most life on the planet.
This is a frightening reality. It makes you consider whether the scientists sitting around the table during the Manhattan Project, smiling from ear to ear, ever anticipated the result of their creation? And if they had realised the magnitude of what they were creating, would they have continued?
I guess not. It is human nature. The powers may sign treaties to reduce the numbers of warheads, but in the end, they will still leave enough killotons to turn earth to Mars.
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