Friday, March 16, 2012

The Royal wingers

This is one I could not ignore...I wanted to at first, but I have this dislike for anything Royal- so here goes...

In a Television interview, Prince Harry of Britain, (like nobody knows who he is) has told the interviewer that he and his Princely brother, William (or Wills, as I like to refer to him), would much rather be normal than royalty.


He laments how difficult it would be for a suitable girlfriend to put up with his role of being a prince. I mean, who would like to not have to work, attend an engagement every now and then, have the best clothes, live in luxury, tour the world on 'business' mixed with lots of pleasure and take holidays anywhere on the planet? I can imagine no woman would want that.

Granted they do have to do some work- but they have the life anybody would wish for. Fame and fortune with very little work and all they did to deserve this privilege is be born into it. I feel their pain.

They are so removed from reality that they do not realize that to be normal, one has to rise early, spend 8-10 hours five to six days a week, in a job you probably hate, just to eek out a living, just like millions of British taxpayers who pay their taxes to support undeserving royalty.
Or is it perhaps they would like to be normal, but with all the fortune and limited work commitment.

I bet next time they are together on some tropical or skiing holiday, they can sit together while they eat the best of foods, and cry in their champagne how normal they would like to be.

The government should grant their wish and dissolve the royalty- then they would have to earn their living and be normal.

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