Friday, December 4, 2009

Fade to Green

The debate rages on whether we are to blame for global warming or not. There are even people who doubt that the earth is heating up- despite the ice caps melting, despite the glaciers becoming rivers and despite city size blocks of ice breaking off the ice masses on the poles. I guess it is human, to live in denial.

I am not going to try to convince anybody about the glabal warming or go into wonderful statistics and so on.
There can be no argument that the human race is guilty of causing pollution on the planet. We are the only species that leaves waste everywhere, that pumps millions of tons of gas into the atmosphere, that leaves blue waters dark with waste. We are killing nature with our disgusting pollution. So, whether we want to accept it, it is us. (I will not even mention the slaughter of millions of acres of trees or killing elephants because we have made their habitat smaller-humans, got to love them)

Now, it is a medical fact that there is an increase in respiratory diseases worldwide- and most specifically those nations with the largest pollution footprint. There is also no argument that pollution is the cause of this. There are many other diseases linked to pollution in one type or another. (The toxins in thousands of waste chemicals that pollute the air, land and waters also lead to poisoning.)
The simple folk who do think the earth is heating, or that freak weather patterns are occuring worldwide, turn on the so called Greens like rabid dogs, saying that global warming is a fad to make money and so on. (I mean why would anybody want a car which has water as a by product when we could be driving one spewing Carbon Monoxide like a volcano on wheels)
Going green is not some freaky religion or some cult where one has to wear pink robes, smoke dope and participate in orgy filled rituals.(If it were I guess more people would be behind it)
 It is not something to fear. Cleaning up or reducing toxic gases or liquids from being dumped into the air, atmosphere or water, can do us no harm. It will actually be of a massive benifit to us. Instead of pumping dark masses of smoke into the atmosphere, we can get the same power from wind or water energy stations.

Some people argue that the so called windmills do not make the landscape look good- indeed, who would not prefer the massive towers spitting out smoke- much better on the beauty of the landscape.
Yes, it will take nothing short of a miracle to get everybody on board. Let's face it, not everybody will participate in this 'let's save Earth game'. We have to pray though that most people are willing to play. From electricity to transport to our daily needs, we need to look at what it is doing to us now and in the long run. Before we flick the switch, we should begin to care where the electricity comes from and the effects of us flicking the switch. (I can see this happening of course- right after people begin to care about water)
Pollution even taints what we eat and the water we drink (unless of course your idea of opening a tap comes from a supermarket in a bottle).

Then there is the argument that this is all made up so the 'greens' can get rich. However, nobody had a problem with the oil and coal people getting rich. And boy did they. Who bitches about us digging holes underground for luxury metals to sell at inflated prices so they owners of the mining houses can coin it. Somebody will be there to exploit everything- it is another human trait. Yes, the nasty greens included.

We must not lose sight of the result though. Turning to so called green alternatives will and can only help the selfish beast that humans have become. We need to take our heads out of the (dirty) sand and realise we will live in denial for too long and then it will be too late to save the only home we have. We need to wake up and see that the world is changing quickly, and we will feel the results of our actions in our life times still. Our children will bare the brunt of our selfish behaviour. Humans have the ability to be their own Extinction Event.
It is time for us to prove our love for the future humans, our children included and see how each of us, can reduce pollution and save the bit of the planet we can.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, i dont want to sound like an end time prophet BUT climate and geographical catastrophs are an end time sign. I do dream of a vehicle which runs on nothing and has a by product of water. I am in. Would this include heating....? Well written, thanks
