Thursday, January 26, 2012

Another side of the CO2 assassin

A disturbing new finding from study by Professor Philip Munday and his team from the  ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies at James Cook University, show that increasing Carbon Dioxide levels in the seas could ultimately kill off all our sea fish.
It would seem high concentrations of CO2 in sea water disrupt a key brain receptor, resulting in a marked change in sensory ability as well as behavior. Prof Munday says that elevated CO2 levels directly interferes with the fish's neurotransmitter functions The fish lose the ability to  hear, turn, smell and evade predictors.

This in turn leads to them being able to evade predators, who seem less affected at this stage. The study was mainly done on baby coral fishes. It is thought that fish who use more oxygen than other's will be affected first and as such, certain species may decline faster. This may include species targeted by the fishing industry.

Prof Munday states over 2,3 billion tonnes of human created CO2 dissolve in our oceans annually, changing the chemical make up of the water thus damaging the delicate environments fish live in. Sadly, although fish requiring high oxygen levels will vanish first, eventually it will create havoc with all sea life. The end result will mean the end of all life on earth.

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