Thursday, February 9, 2012

Our Silly World

To get away from the seriousness, I am going to relate some real life but daft stories today. Let's face it, some things are so bizarre, you cannot make them up.

In Iceland a chap call (wait for it) Stanislaus Grzeskowiak, of the North Pole, was charged with extortion and threatening harm and was out on $2 500 bail. Now Mr G wound up in this situation by demanding $85 000 from the state. This money was apparently due to him, as the state and certain companies failed him and were responsible for his financial situation, his lack of education and of course, his marital problems. 

He had a brilliant scheme up his sleeve as well-He threatened to 'teach crackheads how to make electromagnetic distortion devices.'
In his conversation to State Troopers he claimed these decides would block police radio, computer and cellphone communications. He also promised to cut off the communication of credit card companies as well as oil companies, unless he received his due $85 000. 

Naturally he is being defended by the public defenders office because he did not get his money, he cannot afford an attorney that will keep him out of jail. 

We think Americans and Australians usually go over the top. Here is some stiff competition in the over-kill stakes. 

The story goes- a suspect fled police in a car with stolen number plates. The police obviously gave chase, but were hampered in their pursuit when the suspect cleverly drove over soggy terrain, making it difficult for police cars to follow.

So, the police requested and army jeep, that was a match for the terrain, to assist them in their pursuit.

However, as one apparently does in Holland, they sent two F16 Fighters to assist in the chase. 
And even after using the Air forces' best, a lead from a suspicious neighbor brought the suspect to his well earned arrest. 

Lastly we go to France. We are all aware of the freezing weather gripping Europe, with temperatures around minus twenty degree Celsius and even colder in some places.

SO, in this situation, Junior minister of Health Nora Berra decided to give people some of her brilliant advice on her blog. Her wise advice was that toddlers, the sick, the elderly and the homeless 'should avoid going outdoors'. Seriously - the homeless must stay indoors. 

She since corrected it, but some stupid things cannot be unsaid. 

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