Friday, April 6, 2012

The Catholic Problem

Pope Benedict has once again reaffirmed that they Catholic Church would not back down on allowing women to be priests. This ancient belief from one of the oldest religions seems to stem from the point that Jesus did not invite any women to be apostles when he instituted the priesthood at The Last Supper.

His predecessor, John Paul the 2nd called it part of the church's 'divine constitution', in 1994, and thus, it was unable to be changed. In 1995, the Vatican's doctrinal department, then headed by the then Unpope Benedict, stated that a male priesthood was 'set forth infallibly.' and this meant it could not be changed.

I am no spokesman for God, but I cannot see Him objecting to women preaching about his word. The d in so many other religions.

At the time of The Last Supper women were not as glorified as men and this would raise questions, that if there were perhaps women at the last supper, would this be significant enough to document. To me, an important point is that despite where the inspiration came from, in the end, man penned the Great Book. Therefore it was written influenced by the times it was written in and with the terms of reference that was available at the times. So in my view, it is not inconceivable that if there were any women apostles, they could have been written out of proceedings, to remain politically correct at the time.

God loves everybody and I would hate to think he discriminates- and this is exactly what the Catholic church is telling us. Women are not good enough to be priests. Indeed, they can be nuns, which is a subservient role, but never priests. This is disturbing considering that the many people have fought hard to the end to discrimination and it is pretty much set in law worldwide. Expect in the Vatican. Then, it would seem, and I do say this with all respect, the pope is a dictator. There is no debate about thing- it is his way or no way. Granted he does his way with guidance from church doctrine, but he is in the position to begin debate. He is not interested though.

Don't get me wrong, this is no attack on the Catholic Church, or the pope for that matter. I am just of the view that any church needs to remain flid and evolve with the times. The bottom line is that the church is there to both uphold Christianity and to spread and share the word of God. It should not be stead and remain the same for thousands of years because times and people change.

Healthy debate should be allowed and all sides heard. Perhaps a few women priests may improve the church's image, which of late has been pretty tarnished by hundreds of child abuse cases. God I am sure is not fussy who spread his Word, only that it is done in His name. Time for the Catholics to catch up and at least begin to consider other options.

And as for that no marriage and no sex thing.....that is for another time....

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