Monday, August 5, 2013

Zuma and his best wishes to his best friend

Jacob Zuma extended his 'profound congratulations' to Zimbabwe's eternal president, Robert Mugabe for a winning a successful election. He further went on to call on all parties to accept the election results as 'election observers had reported it to be the will of the people.'. And as if the aforementioned idiotic statements were not enough, he has had to add that he 'encourages the people of Zimbabwe to seize this opportunity towards building their country, driven by a common desire for peace, stability and prosperity.' 

A brief look at the election tells us all we need to know. No independent observers from the evil West were allowed in to monitor the poll. Reports of voting irregularities were rife. The African Union harped on about the peaceful elections, but fell short of calling them fair. Despite it's monitors announcing several irregularities, no further action was taken from their side. The Southern African Development Community, unsurprisingly, called it free and fair. 

Most convincing are the local monitors who spelled out voter registration problems, rural voters being subtly threatened not to vote by security forces or being forced to ask for help by Mugabe loyalists. In all, this accounts for well over a million votes. There were also other problems, but I think my point has been made. 

With the above in mind, and due to everybody knowing Mugabe's tactics, it is a slap in the face for democracy and a worry that the AU and SADC, can blindly accept the election knowing that there were problems. But like Zuma, they don't want to hear as they are all a tight bunch of corrupt little friends. For Zuma to call on Zimbabweans to prosper, while retaining the same leader who has wrecked their country is not only plain stupid but embarrassing. It also goes to show how out of touch with reality he is. 

Despite Mugabe's call for sanctions to be lifted, the countries who hold the against him and his regime, will rightly continue to do so. 

This also highlights the type of 'leader' Zuma is. He does not have the courage to stand up for democracy if it means confronting another African leader. South Africa are make a big noise against the West when they think they are being done in, but are notably quiet when one of their owns steals an election. Coming from Zuma, this is a further concern when we look at the situation in Tlokwe, where the ANC lost the mayoral seat and, despite a court order, are refusing to budge. Is this how Zuma sees democracy, the best vote rigger wins? Is this is what South Africa can look forward to if the ANC's position is threatened?  
It is no use having one of the best constitutions on earth and bragging about a democracy,when you have no clue what it is and you and your party carry on like South Africa is your playground and we as taxpayer are paying for all the rides.A Zumocracy indeed. 

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