With all the hype around the Oscars and Grammys, I am once again left wondering- why? why do we care who wins what? What value does it bring to our lives?
Don't get me wrong, I love movies, some television series', music etc. So I am not anti entertainment. And yes, I do have my favourite actors, musicians and so on-so I am not against people being actors or musicians or comics or whatever they choose to be.
What I do not understand is how we allow people in the entertainment business to have such an effect on our lives.
The way I see it, to be an actor, or musician, is a job- as is a bank worker or street sweeper- or the guys who collect the rubbish. The difference is that the people in entertainment ,earn truck loads more money and are public faces. But where are they more special that the rest of us?
Many so called celebs, milk the publicity and allow themselves to be placed on a shrine, thinking they are better than the plebs (AKA, their fans)- and it amazes me how many think, that with celebrity, comes a book that gives them the answers to the universe and never miss an opportunity to shed some of their new found genius upon us simple ignorant folk.
They love the coverage they get, and the gullible general public eat it up like programmed sheep. This is why tabloids are so successful- because many actually care whether J-Lo wants to marry again, or Victoria Beckham's left boobs fell off, Lady Gaga gives us her 'educated' take on something. Again I ask why? Why do I care that David Beckham thinks Justin Bieber will make a good father and even if he may, (when eventually her hits puberty) why do I care?
Whitney, Amy, Michael die and it gets coverage in the newspapers, the television, the internet for ages....how many poor children die world wide, with not even a news snippet on page 6? Are the celebrity lives worth more than these children or anybody else on the planet?
Does being a celebrity suddenly make you a better person that the rest and does this entitle you to better treatment? Why are celebs VIP guests at events and the rest of us are lucky to crack a third rate invitation in the most remote section of the event, just behind the thunder- boxes.
Or is it us, the sheep who are programmed by the media, to act in a certain 'correct' way as to give these people the power we have given them? I mean I could have a stroke, when somebody chats to a celeb and says, 'they are so down to earth.'. I always wonder why they should not be. In the morning, do they not go to the potty like the rest of us. What makes them think they are so untouchable and they have 'fans' who care bout everything they say- well, we make them know this, by idol worshiping them. We feed their self centred frenzy, by showing unnatural interest in these people over and above what they do for a living.
From my point of view, I do not care who wins an Oscar. Nor do I care who wins a banking award in the bank where I bank. They are the same though. An award given to a stranger. We do not know these people, just because they play the media and show us all some of their lives, it does not make us know them-although we think we do. They show us what they want us to see, it's as simple as that.

In my view, the chap who takes my rubbish away every week is more important and has a more important place in society- yet nobody cares about him or if his family was kidnapped by aliens, or he contracted some unknown disease from this abduction. Yet when a celeb contracts something they are so 'brave' etc and they used to appear on Oprah, who also used to stroke their ego's as if it were a pet dog. Where is a paramedic or a fireman's job less important than being an actor? However, these professions, although the cornerstones of a civil society, are just there, and not celebrated. We actually take them for granted.
I am not saying their is not a place in society for entertainment, because that would be sill as we all know there is a big one.
But, we need to wake up and stop being led by the mass media and other people. Celebrities, just like politicians, they do not deserve special treatment. They are simply doing their jobs, nothing more or less. Granted many give to charity, but then, how many unknown people do as well.
Other than being damn wealthy, celebs are no different to the rest us and as such, I cannot see where they deserve the 5 star treatment and paparazzi wherever the go. We need to start placing value on the jobs that are important to us as a society and stop blindly following everything the media commands us to follow. We also need to come to terms with celebrities being mere humans, like the rest of us and stop our pathetic worship of theses people.