Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Alcohol Problem

It turns out South Africa is among the three biggest alcohol consuming nations worldwide. Yes indeed, we have another negative 'Best of' to be proud of. Right up there with Murder, Rape, Violent Crime, Road deaths and so on.

The government has long made it known that is is worried about the misuse and abuse of alcohol. Now it is proposing laws to curb the use and sales of the good stuff.

Many of us enjoy indulging every now and then, and it has been medically proved that moderate alcohol consumption, actually benefits the body.
However, some people over indulge every day. Alcohol abuse has been linked to diseases like cirrhosis of the liver, cardiovascular diseases, certain types of cancers and so on. It can also lead to contracting HIV and other sexually transmitted disease and Tuberculosis. These are a consequence of actions under the influence. Added on to this, there is the danger of injury from accidents, assault and murder and suicide, while under the influence.

It therefore, goes without saying that abusing alcohol is a bad thing and I will not argue otherwise. I will also not argue that something needs to be done about it. This is where the water gets a bit muddy for me.

Proposals are - increase the drinking age to 21 from 18. In theory good, but when I was under 18, under the strong laws that the old National Party imposed, I was able to get my hands on booze, dagga and porn. (All banned) So this will not work as teenagers will find a way to obtain alcohol. (and anything else they want). Peer pressure is the strongest influence in this regard.
Another suggestion is to ban alcohol advertising. Once again, great in theory, but this also will not work. What it does is increases the unemployment rate, as the ban on smoking did. Oh yes, cigarette use has reportedly increased among the youth, despite advertising being banned. Why would alcohol, which is probably more popular, follow a different path.

Then there is the bright idea to shorten trading hours for outlets that sell alcohol. Under the National Party we had shortened hours and yet, everybody always had enough booze. All this does, is increase the amount purchased at one time to cover for the times when you cannot buy it.
Another bright idea is to increase taxes and duties on Alcohol and to make it mandatory for the industry to contribute to a fund that will help and treat alcohol abuse. As with any addiction, price will not stop people from purchasing. All this will do, is fatten the government purse and allow them to spend even more of our money on nothing. As for the fund, somebody will find a way to put that money in their back pockets- this is South Africa after all. Currently, the Alcohol industry pays some R35 Billion Rand in annual taxes.

The 35 proposals put forward at the anti-substance abuse summit include:
  • Raising the legal age for alcohol consumption to 21.

  • Restricting the time and days of the week that alcohol can be legally sold.

  • Implementing regulations to restrict the number of liquor outlets.

  • Regulating home brews and "concoctions".

  • Raising duties and taxes on alcohol products.

  • Increasing the criminal liability of those who sell alcohol to underage drinkers, intoxicated patrons, and people they know will operate motor vehicles.

  • Imposing a mandatory contribution by the liquor industry to an independent fund.

  • Banning all advertising of alcoholic products in public and private media.

  • Banning all sponsorship by the alcohol industry for sports, recreation, arts and cultural events.

  • Reducing the legal alcohol limit for drivers.

  • Disallowing novice drivers from consuming any alcohol before driving.

Some of them are just daft. Who defines what a 'novice' driver is? And how does one regulate 'home brews and concoctions' without monitoring everybody?
And of course, we are forgetting the discriminatory law that they want to introduce to ban pregnant woman from purchasing alcohol. I mean please.
The alcohol industry does a lot for sport and I am certain, their sponsorship does not make people feel a craving for the product that is sponsoring a team. Sport needs money for development and the alcohol industry through sponsorship, gives the governing bodies these funds. I can guarantee, that banning this, will not stop drinking or even reduce it.

We are becoming a 'nanny state' where the government wants to think and dictate to us what, where and how. If they have their way, we will  have little choice on anything. As the ANC led bunch have proved to us-they do not listen or care about public opinion. (look at the criminal Toll system or the proposed media laws).

None of the above proposals will stop the abuse of booze. Socioeconomic problems are one of the biggest reasons for alcohol abuse in South Africa. Many drink because that really is all that they have to escape their sad reality.

The government needs to do more to create conditions for employment, for example, stimulate the growth of Micro, small and medium enterprises, to make post matric education affordable.  Furthermore, they have   to educate the public about alcohol abuse in a family and work environment. They need to tackle the root cause of the problem and not think that introducing laws (Which like many of our laws, are not enforced anyway) will 'poof', make the problem go away. Unless you address the roots of the issue, it will be here to stay.

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