Friday, May 25, 2012

Daft and unlucky crooks

Another Friday and another day of unlucky and stupid criminals.

Wesley Winston, 21, was walking home one evening, when he came across a Nissan Pathfinder that he just could not resist stealing. Bummer for our hot fingered Wes, but the Pathfinder was equipped with GPS, silent alarm and internal surveillance camera. Indeed, old Wes had just stolen a police 'bait vehicle'.
Within 5 minutes, our unlucky car thief was in handcuffs. His excuse is a gem-'Man, I should have just walked home, but my feet are sore.'
He now faces 5 years in a Hennepin County jail.

The next is a doozie, coming from, Calima, in Columbia. (Sadly no photo furnished of the bright criminals)
Two guys, with IQ's as low was dirt, went into an internet cafe and hired two computers.
After a while of doing what they wanted to, they promptly pulled out guns and robbed the cafe.
After they fled, police were called- to discover one of these most clever criminal minds, had left their Facebook page open, thus allowing police to find his address, and arrest him.
This is a special kind of idiot.

Stephen Byerly, 51, of Louiseville, Kentucky, called to report a crime, as would be expected. But, turns out our dope head, was reporting the theft of his precious weed. As this was not bright enough, he still gave cops permission to search his house, where they found ten marijuana plants, growing with a sophisticated irrigation, lighting and ventilation system.
He advised police that he was forced to grow the wacky weed, as he had been laid off from his job.

And finally a story of a greedy cross dresser.
For six years, Thomas Prusik-Parkin of New York,  impersonated his mother. In itself, no crime. But turns out, poor Thomas' mom had passed on.
Yes, for six years, this sick little man, dressed up in his mother's clothes, and passed himself off as his mother, to cash in on her Social Security benefits. The photo, is from when he went to renew her driver's license. One cannot make this stuff up.
As usual, greed was the speed bump that had him busted. Dressed as mom, he marched into a Brooklyn public prosecutor's office, to complain he was being scammed out of a building his mother owned.
Apparently warped old Thomas, started his fraud, days after his mother died.
Lucky for now- he gets to spend the next 13-41 years dressed up as a prisoner.

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