Thursday, May 24, 2012

The under carpet confessions

In what would make a brilliant plot for a Hollywood movie, an owner of a house, found a detailed letters, relating to crimes committed some 13 years ago.

The owner of the house, in Kenilworth, in Johannesburg, was replacing carpets for his tenant, when the dramatic discovery was made. The letters contained confessions and details and apparently opened with the line, ' By the time you read this, I will probably be dead.'
The home owner furnished the police with the letters, who spent two months dredging up cold cases and places the pieces together, resulting in the arrest of 5 suspects.

Some details that have emerged is the crimes involve brothers, who were policemen at at the time and the tale of a woman (photo at foot of article), they tried to kill once but failed, but kidnapped her from hospital in a hired van, to finish the job. Her body was apparently first buried in the back yard of the property, but removed the body and placed it elsewhere. There are details of further violent abductions and crimes.

According to police, further arrests are immanent and hopefully more details will emerge as the story unfolds.
Photographs courtesy of The Star newspaper.

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