Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Green Debate

The world at large has accepted that humans are to blame for the global warming situation we find ourselves in. Of course, not everybody buys into this, as there are still many sectors that dispute this, and have their own findings and stats to prove their point. I am not going to debate either, as this would involve a lengthy discussion with loads of figures and stats that bore everybody to death.

CO2 is the gas blamed for everything, when in fact there are much worse greenhouse gases- methane for example, and of course, carbon monoxide. Methane is generated largely by decaying plant and animal matter. Corbon Monoxide is all 'us'.
Here are some facts I think we cannot dispute- human activity pumps millions of tons of toxic gases into the atmosphere, think industry, fossil fuel power stations, vehicle emissions to name the obvious. At the same time, we are cutting down thousands upon thousands of acres of forests and destroying wetlands, all for 'progress'. It is known that tree and plantlife absorb toxins from the atmosphere, performing a clean up function. They also largely exhale much needed oxygen.

Just with the above knowledge, surely any moves to reduce toxic gases and conserve forests would be good for the planet, and in turn us? Nobody can convince me that toxic gases are good for us or any creatures on the planet. The reduction thereof, could ONLY be a good move. So no matter what side of the green fence one sits, who could argue that cleaning things up could lead to anything negative?
Humans have to accept responsibility for the planet-we are supposed to be the most advanced beings, and as such, we hold the responsibility to fix it. It is time for us all to accept this, and do something about it.

1 comment:

  1. Well said, could not have said it better myself. you are truly an inspiration.
