Wednesday, October 21, 2009

To rain, or not to rain

Once again, we have been promised rain by the weather people...and as we all know, it is more of a toss of a coin than any real prediction.They do admit that they cannot guarantee their predictions, yet we still listen with anticipation when the Weather comes on.....I do I have to admit....sucker I guess.

Now this is stranger....I have monitored different sources, E TV, SABC, Weather 24 and SA Weather. I would presume they obtain their weather predictions from the same sources. However, sometimes they do differ. For example last week. SABC told us that there was a 30% chance of showers....Weather 24 told us 100% for the same day.........and the rain at all. Granted it was cloudy, and rain did look promising but nothing.

Now, I look forward to my storms, and feel a tingle of excitement when thunder storms are predicted. So, you can just imagine my sulky little face when they do not pan out.

Can't wait to listen to the weather just now to see if it will rain today.


  1. Try my weather prediction for the day. Looking out the window, clear skies, warm and getting warmer. Slim chance of thunder showers in the late afternoon. Now that is a thumb suck, but I am sure a better prediction than the weather forcasts you may get from those reliable sources.

  2. funny, i said to my mom this morning..."i'm not at that age (YET) where i have to know what the weathers doing tomorrow..."

    but if YOU know i'm a little curious...sssh dont tell her!
